I have not been laughing truely from my heart~ I had finished my paper this morning, a paper that all the words do not mean anything for me~ My!!! relief....
I was so soulless that i forgotten where i put my parking sticker just when i was about to leave the car! Crazy!!!! i even ignored the traffic light and frighten the pillion rider... imagine, a man yield coz of my soullessness... sorry ZhiWei...(frankly, i really din see any red light.....)
This is a present from one of my friend. A long story behind this present...
In a nut shell, this is something that i wanted deadly last time... someone promised to get me but turned out to be nothing....
It sudden appear makes me smile naturally... just like that!
Thank goodness... i'm still an ordinary human being~ (Thanks Weng)
Today, i found something miracle in my life!
Something that people named it "friendship"..
We spent the whole day chatting, celebrating, singing~ (as if they'd finished their exam)
i got the second most precious thing for my 22nd Bday.
A laugh that thrown out naturally as we sing in craze on the couch.
Due to my soullessness, let's end up my blog with a grateful heart.
Thanks Weng, ZhiWei, YekHong, Soong, Kevin, ChenYep, ZhenXiang.
Happy Birthday to u! :)
n u still craze for SG wanna be huh? :)
thanks ^^
yupe!!! no doubt!!!
i'm still crazy bout them, SG Wanna Be!!!(a typical fans!)
haih...yesterday too crazy
2day my voice abit sexy
surprisingly, i'm still in one piece!
swallow a tablespoon of honey and work best with a slice of lemon.. haha!
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